Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Unpleasant Reality of Hob Nobs

NOTE:  Yesterday, I received an invitation to attend a Hob Nob; a political event sponsored by a specific group, typically a Chamber of Commerce or political organization, where all political candidates are invited to purchase a table to show their campaign material and present themselves to the members of that organization and to the public, which may attend by purchasing a ticket.  The following is my email response to the organizers of the event.

Hello Mr. XXXX,

Thank you for the invitation to participate in the YYYY Chamber of Commerce Political Hob Nob.  I appreciate the opportunity, but must humbly and respectfully decline.  Please allow me to explain.

I am not a Politician, but I am a Candidate for the position of U.S. Representative, Florida Congressional District 9.  As a person new to the political environment, I have learned a lot, of which much has not been pleasant.  I am a person of integrity and believe in We The People and the U.S. Constitution.  I also believe that an informed voter is critical to the future and success of our country.  Far too often elections are influenced by Big Money donors who have some expectation that their big money donation will be remembered – and these expectations are well-founded.  And also too often, a candidate has an allegiance to a political party, which is greater than the candidate’s allegiance to We The People, the everyday working American.  At the start of the campaign process I attended several Hob Nobs, paying $275 and more for a table.  Most of the attendees were politically oriented and there were not too many everyday working people in attendance.  Because of the cost, and because of the lack of everyday working people, I decided not to attend any more Hob Nobs. It was strictly a cost-benefit analysis. My two competitors for Congress have raised $1.9M and $300,000.  For them, to pay your registration fee of $495 is not a problem.  I have raised $320.00 during my campaign, which is less than the cost your Hob Nob table – this is cost-prohibitive for me.  Perhaps you might think that I am inconsequential because I have not raised an amount commensurate with that of my competitors.  Perhaps you believe that big money should determine who wins an election.  Perhaps you don’t believe that skill, knowledge and experience is more important than money.  Perhaps you believe that a combat military veteran should not hold a public office. Perhaps you believe that Hob Nob income generation is more important than helping the group you represent become better informed voters.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that I have not asked for any money and that I consider honor and integrity to be an important criteria, which our politicians should possess. Sadly, most politicians spend a lot of effort attacking the creditability of the opposing candidate and not enough time addressing the issues of most concern to the everyday working people.

It is a logical objective to support the group you are representing and you would want to have all the political candidates present. Therefore, to encourage this, there should not be a registration fee for political candidates.  However, if part of your objective is for the Hob Nob to be a money raising event, then this is understandable.  In this case, the generation of income is more important than helping your group become better informed voters.

I have noted your Hob Nob on my calendar and if I attend, it will be with a campaign sign in my hand, standing outside on the sidewalk to the entrance of your Hob Nob event.  This will be my small effort to help promote better informed voters.

Best Wishes,
Marko Milakovich
Citizen Warrior

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