Friday, October 31, 2014

Small Message -- Big Meaning

I received an email from a voter with three questions.  I answered the email.  In return I received the following comments:


As it stands right now, you have my vote.  I am disgusted with politics as usual.  I have not been privileged with the answers to my questions from XXX XXX and am certain XXXX would not have the time for them after elected.  I wish you luck.  No matter the outcome, thank you for your service and taking a stand for the smallest of us!  God Bless!


Comment: Perhaps a small item of little import, but it really warmed me.  I believe that respect, honor, and integrity are important attributes, regardless of the endeavor or occasion.  Thank you CTM.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Disrespect and Dishonor

Fellow Americans,

We, the citizens of the United States, are the recipients of freedom and a way of life defined in the our Constitution.  This blessed gift is given to us and is safeguarded for us, by the many Patriots and Fallen Heroes who have fought and died for this treasure, and those in our military who currently serve and those who have been irreparably injured and scarred for what has been passed to us.  We acknowledge this gift though the VOTE, and pay our respect and homage by casting our ballot. 

As Americans, it is our responsibility to be informed and “Vote with an Informed Conscience”.  Any organization, which interferes or impedes the equal presentation of information on candidates to the voting public is acting with disrespect and dishonor to the principles of our country, and is dishonoring the veteran and patriots who died and suffered for this gift, the vote.  This includes any action, which distorts information on the candidates or selectively withholds information on any of the candidates. Yet, this seems to be the norm as the dirty business of politics is applied.  Strip away the excuses and let common sense and logic prevail.  I should also note that I am an Independent-NPA (No Political Affliation), retired military and a decorated, combat Vietnam Veteran competing for U.S. Representative Florida Congressional District 9 and I feel victimized as an Independent.  This should be a voting process to select the most qualified person to accomplish the job and should not be a competition between parties to see which prevails.  The everyday working people are sick and tired of this competition, bickering and mud-slinging between the major parties.

I believe that the prejudicial media is one of the things that is wrong in the American political system.  Blatant manipulation of information being provided to the American public about the candidates is, in effect, trying to influence the outcome of the election.  I believe it is essential for America to have “INFORMED VOTERS”.  In my opinion, this should be a priority of any news media – to provide objective, information to the American public.  When it is not, and other motives by the media dictate what information is provided and what information is “overlooked”, this is WRONG.  Honor and integrity should be intrinsic for all the media and all the candidates – unfortunately, it is not.  This is one reason why the American Public is sick and tired and angry with the process.  I know, because I talk to a lot of the public, as one of “We The People”, many of whom are my endorsers.

Therefore, I unequivocally state that to manipulate or withhold information on any of the candidates to the public is un-American and is a direct dishonor to the veterans who have valiantly served and died for the gift to us – the vote.

Lest any think I am talking in suppositions and possibilities, the answer is no.  A major local newspaper, while showing the pictures of the two major party candidates, did not include my picture until I complained in several emails over a period of weeks – lost visibility to the public.  Then, when the newspaper endorsed one candidate and discussed the other, my name was not mentioned once -- it was if I did not exist.  Decide for yourself if this was information manipulation.  This is not the only case. Another newspaper mentioned my name but did not include my picture, although the pictures of the candidates for the two major parties were proximately displayed.

While there were attestations of supporting veterans, I say that if they do not exercise equality in the presentation of information about the candidates, this is a de facto dishonor and disrespect to the veterans, patriots and fallen heroes of our great country.

So, what can be done.  The only option remaining is for each voter to seize the initiative and independently vet each of the candidates, which is difficult since most of the information is supplied by the media. I suggest looking at the candidate’s responses to questionnaires and to look at the website for each candidate, which they have unequivocal responsibility  -- then vote your conscience.  Good Luck.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Big Money = Big Signs

It is generally accepted that Big Money tremendously influences the outcome of an election.  In these final few weeks prior to the election, I am inundated with emails asking for money with the advisory that money goals must be met to compete against the opponent's estimated money war chest.  HUH!  What happened to vetting the candidate, NOT on money raised, but on Skill, Knowledge, Experience and Integrity? 

Shown in the picture is the Big Money sign, one of many, not only the large version but a plethora of smaller clones.  The Big Money sign might be either of my two competitors.  Next to it, is MY SIGN. I know of one candidate, who did not succeed in the Primaries who had 5,000 yard signs and was waiting for his staff of volunteers to come and get their quota for installation.  That’s what Big Money can do.  At the other end of the spectrum is ME and my sign.  I can honestly report that I personally erected every one of my signs – all one (1) of them.  I probably wouldn’t have put this one up except one of my competitors put their sign up at the end of the street where I live.  I took that as a personal challenge and quickly responded with MY sign.

OK, so what is the point? (1) Signs reflect Big Money supporters who reasonably expect to be remembered; (2) Like Pavlov’s classical conditioned response experiments, voters are more likely to vote for a “name” they have seen before; (3) The signs do not reflect the candidate's Skill, Knowledge, Experience, and Integrity; (4) The smaller sign is more likely to be representative of a candidate who is truly unencumbered, independent, and owes nothing to anyone.  When I vote, it will be for the candidate with the small sign.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Unpleasant Reality of Hob Nobs

NOTE:  Yesterday, I received an invitation to attend a Hob Nob; a political event sponsored by a specific group, typically a Chamber of Commerce or political organization, where all political candidates are invited to purchase a table to show their campaign material and present themselves to the members of that organization and to the public, which may attend by purchasing a ticket.  The following is my email response to the organizers of the event.

Hello Mr. XXXX,

Thank you for the invitation to participate in the YYYY Chamber of Commerce Political Hob Nob.  I appreciate the opportunity, but must humbly and respectfully decline.  Please allow me to explain.

I am not a Politician, but I am a Candidate for the position of U.S. Representative, Florida Congressional District 9.  As a person new to the political environment, I have learned a lot, of which much has not been pleasant.  I am a person of integrity and believe in We The People and the U.S. Constitution.  I also believe that an informed voter is critical to the future and success of our country.  Far too often elections are influenced by Big Money donors who have some expectation that their big money donation will be remembered – and these expectations are well-founded.  And also too often, a candidate has an allegiance to a political party, which is greater than the candidate’s allegiance to We The People, the everyday working American.  At the start of the campaign process I attended several Hob Nobs, paying $275 and more for a table.  Most of the attendees were politically oriented and there were not too many everyday working people in attendance.  Because of the cost, and because of the lack of everyday working people, I decided not to attend any more Hob Nobs. It was strictly a cost-benefit analysis. My two competitors for Congress have raised $1.9M and $300,000.  For them, to pay your registration fee of $495 is not a problem.  I have raised $320.00 during my campaign, which is less than the cost your Hob Nob table – this is cost-prohibitive for me.  Perhaps you might think that I am inconsequential because I have not raised an amount commensurate with that of my competitors.  Perhaps you believe that big money should determine who wins an election.  Perhaps you don’t believe that skill, knowledge and experience is more important than money.  Perhaps you believe that a combat military veteran should not hold a public office. Perhaps you believe that Hob Nob income generation is more important than helping the group you represent become better informed voters.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that I have not asked for any money and that I consider honor and integrity to be an important criteria, which our politicians should possess. Sadly, most politicians spend a lot of effort attacking the creditability of the opposing candidate and not enough time addressing the issues of most concern to the everyday working people.

It is a logical objective to support the group you are representing and you would want to have all the political candidates present. Therefore, to encourage this, there should not be a registration fee for political candidates.  However, if part of your objective is for the Hob Nob to be a money raising event, then this is understandable.  In this case, the generation of income is more important than helping your group become better informed voters.

I have noted your Hob Nob on my calendar and if I attend, it will be with a campaign sign in my hand, standing outside on the sidewalk to the entrance of your Hob Nob event.  This will be my small effort to help promote better informed voters.

Best Wishes,
Marko Milakovich
Citizen Warrior

Monday, September 22, 2014

Should Courts Be Prohibited From Recognizing Sharia Law?

A recent poll found 83% voted YES, and 17% voted NO. (see  I don’t think this is the most germane question.  The ONLY law in the United States is the law derived from the United States Constitution and specified by Public Law and codified into United States Codes (U.S.C.s) and detailed for implementation by the Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.s, sometimes called administrative law). No other law, regardless of origin can be recognized in our Judicial Courts.  This is very simple.  I note that there are some countries that have allowed Sharia law in Islamic communities and I believe is an aberration of the laws of that country and is a formula for serious deterioration of the legal system of that country.  I also note that in some countries, the United States included, there are provisions that recognize a tribal law, but in those cases, it has been specifically detailed by the law of that country, thus maintaining the rule of law for those countries. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Marko’s One-minute Video

WESH-TV Orlando has posted One-minute videos of some of the political candidates for the upcoming election.  You're are invited to watch it at the WESH site.  Thanks.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The POWER of your VOTE

To be ruled over by the absolute power of a few, or to be governed by WE THE PEOPLE.  The former is Tyranny over the people and the later is freedom for the   people.  To govern ourselves we have a republic, in which we elect our own from We The People, to govern on our behalf. It is the POWER of our VOTE which selects the type of person we think has the integrity and skills to act on our behalf.  Our freedom, symbolized by our individual VOTE was given to us and protected for us by those who have fought for We The People, since the birth of our country; and have continued to do so ever since. 

Honor those who have served for us and particularly those who have died for us or who have returned maimed or scarred for life, both physically and mentally.  And also, all the families who have endured the hardship of a loved one who is gone and many of which will never “Come Home” (please visit the “Think About This” section of this website and the “Coming Home” videos and pictures toward the bottom of the page).

If a U.S. Citizen does not vote, it is a dishonorable act, which ignores the price paid for this demonstrable act of freedom, in gratitude for those who have died to give us this freedom.  These irreverent people enjoy the bounties of the freedom and our way of life in the United States and take it for granted – unappreciative, at a very minimum.  But there is an associated danger.  The enemies of our freedom and way of life can use the vote as a weapon against We The People.  If citizenry is complacent and chooses not to vote, when they are dissatisfied with our government or the choices of the candidates, a motivated enemy masquerading as a U.S. Citizen can vote in mass and get their candidate elected – one whose motivation is to transform our country and way of life into  something other than what our founding fathers established.  The danger is we might lose our freedom.

The following is an interesting scenario, a real-life story on how a town voted itself out of existence.  The power of the VOTE can accomplish much, sometimes the results can be frightening.  The story is copyrighted and printed with the permission of the Omaha World-Herald.

How tiny Seneca, Nebraska – torn apart by bitterness – voted itself out of existence


Cheyenne Rebello, left, and Dakota Lewis, both 12, horse around as they head over to get their horses to ride in Seneca, Nebraska. The residents of Seneca voted last month to unincorporate their small town, situated between Mullen and Thedford near Nebraska Highway 2 in the Sandhills. A court will decide the validity of that vote.

SENECA, Neb. — It feels so long ago now, but the tiny town of Seneca used to get things done.

A little over a decade ago, the people here sold raffle tickets and organized fundraiser soup suppers. They got grants to fix the cracked ceiling, raised money to replace the wrecked windows, donated their free time to redo the bathrooms and refinish the wood floors.

They worked and worked, and after five years, the shabby old town gymnasium reopened as a shiny new community center, a place where people from all over this remote western Nebraska county meet to celebrate big events.

Wedding receptions. Family reunions. Funerals. And, lately, a series of increasingly hate-fueled Village Board meetings that have torn Seneca apart.

“We may be a one-horse town, but we can all pull together,” says Sandy Hansen, who moved here in 1964. “At least we used to be able to.”

Seneca can still get things done, but what it does now is the sort of thing that would make Norman Rockwell shake his head, pack up his paints and speed away down Highway 2.

In May, after a bruising campaign marred by allegations of voter intimidation and fraud, the village’s residents voted — by a single vote — to unincorporate their own town.

That’s right: A Nebraska town voted itself out of existence.

Unless two pending court cases change that outcome, the Village Board will be dissolved. The equipment the village uses to plow its streets and mow its ditches will be sold at auction. The streetlights may go dark. The water may be turned off in the city park.

And Seneca’s beloved community center? Barring unforeseen changes, it will be sold to the highest bidder by Thanksgiving.

“It makes me want to cry,” says Hansen, a longtime postal carrier who now operates a small museum and workshop in Seneca. “What I want to say about it is unprintable.”

You may be wondering why a town would choose to become a non-town.

Let’s start with the horses.

A year or so ago, some residents started to complain about six horses corralled in a resident’s backyard.

Horses themselves are nothing new in Seneca: In the summers here, the children ride horses like they ride bikes in suburbia.

But these particular horses were in too small a space, some people said. They were up to their knees in muck. The horses were in danger, they were sad to look at, and they were a bit of a public health nuisance to boot because they were corralled near a town well.

Larry Isom, a retired physician’s assistant who serves on the Seneca Village Board, decided to do something about the horses.

He and several others called state agencies. They called Thomas County officials. They called the Nebraska Humane Society. People at each of those places told Isom and his allies the same thing: This is an issue for the Village Board.

And so Isom began to mull introducing a town ordinance to ban keeping horses and other livestock within the city limits. The board discovered that an old town ordinance on the books did exactly that — it just hadn’t been enforced in decades. They chewed over the issue at several board meetings, in which Isom says the majority of residents in attendance — though certainly not all — supported a change.

And then the board voted unanimously to ban livestock in Seneca.

That’s when all hell broke loose.

You would think that the opponents of the new ordinance would respond by trying to get the ordinance changed, maybe by narrowing the wording so that it affected only endangered horses or livestock kept in a tiny area. Or you would think they would respond by waiting until the next election and then throwing the Village Board members out on their keisters.

You’d be dead wrong.

Instead, they circulated a petition in town that called for the unincorporation of that town. They got 13 people to sign it, enough to get it on the ballot.
Instead, they portrayed the Village Board as autocratic and rule-happy, though when questioned, many couldn’t name a single other bothersome ordinance that the Village Board had passed.

“We just don’t want people telling us what to do,” says Terri Hartman, a Seneca resident who grew up here, graduated from high school here and now lives with her mother in town. “It was bound to be this and that (from the Village Board). ... We just want to be left alone.”

The petition stoked red-hot anger on both sides. Conversations became yelling matches. Lines were drawn in permanent marker.

People who signed the petition think the Village Board and its allies condescended to them after those signatures became public and retaliated when they could. Hartman says she lost her job as a waitress at Cattleman’s, Seneca’s restaurant — a job she held for five years — in part because she signed the petition.

“There has been quite a bit of bullying,” says Hartman. “I love this town as much as anyone. It’s my home, too.”

Bring these bullying complaints to residents who want to keep the town a town, and watch their eyes bulge wide and their cheeks redden. They are trying to preserve a town that is cut into a picturesque valley in the Sand Hills, wedged between the beautiful, winding Middle Loup River and the train tracks that once provided Seneca its jobs.

They are trying to save a town that has existed since the covered wagon.

And they are the bad guys?

“On some level, it’s like, ‘What do you want?’ ” Isom says. “Look, there are speed limits in our world. There are stop signs. There are county laws, state laws, federal laws. Without a shared set of community rules, these rules that we have as a society, what you have is anarchy.

“And that’s just silly. It’s silly.”

On election night, the residents of Seneca drove their pickups and SUVs to nearby Thedford to cast their ballots. They watched the county and state election websites late into the evening.

And when it was over, 17 people had voted Seneca out of existence, while 16 people had voted to keep it a town.

Two court cases now challenge that vote.

One is a felony charge against Jacqueline Licking, the 80-year-old who circulated the petition, alleging that she didn’t witness all the signatures being signed on the petition, as is required by state law.

The other is a request for a delay on the dissolution of Seneca, as county officials investigate whether everyone who voted in the May 13 election was a legal resident of Seneca at that time. Even one incorrectly counted vote could swing the result of the election and keep Seneca a town.

As Seneca waits, many residents on either side of this civil war have simply stopped speaking to each other, which isn’t easy in a town that covers only one-eighth of a mile. When they pass each other in pickup trucks, they do not wave. And when they are among like-minded friends and neighbors, they throw around accusations that would make the most hard-edged D.C. operative squirm.

While in Seneca, I heard people on both sides say the following things about their neighbors: drug addict, drug dealer, welfare queen, verbally abusive, physically abusive, sexually abusive, creep, jerk and much, much worse.

The acrimony fogs everything, making it hard to see what Seneca once had and now what it stands to lose. It makes it hard to see that, even if the community center is sold to someone who gives it back to the local historical society — that’s a potential Plan B if the election isn’t overturned in the courts — and even if Seneca residents figure out how to pay for their own streetlights and plow their own roads, they will still lose something. Maybe they already have.

This town used to be the place that banded together and built something. Now this town is in danger of being the place that butchered off its collective nose to spite its collective face.

It reminds me of a miniaturized version of Congress. It reminds me of the worst of modern-day America, a place fueled by fury, where winning an empty argument always trumps the harder labor of searching for common ground. It reminds me that when we do this, we do lose something less tangible, yet still every bit as important as any streetlight or park or community center.

Watch Sandy Hansen on a recent weekday as she walks through her makeshift local history museum on the outskirts of town and talks excitedly to two visitors about the exhibits. Many of these things came from people in town, who before they died gave them to her to make sure they would be remembered.

Here are saddles used by area pioneers in the 19th century. Gray flannel baseball uniforms from the 1930s. Photos of two area brothers, both wounded in the same World War II battle.

And many of these things came from all across the U.S., mailed to her by relatives of onetime residents who figured the town would love these artifacts more than California or New Jersey or Texas could.

Here are old hats and old mugs and yellowed newspaper clippings, all sharing a common history and a common name.


“Some part of me has to believe they did not understand, that they don’t understand,” she says of the people who voted to end Seneca as she walks through this tiny Nebraska town’s history. “Because I cannot possibly believe that they understood exactly what they were doing and still voted.

“I wouldn’t want to think anyone in this town could be that ... wrong.”

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Atlanta Woman’s Sister in Mexico Denied a Visa to Donate Bone Marrow

This is beyond logic and again illustrates an incomprehensible action of our U.S. Government.  In Atlanta, Georgia, 51 year old woman, Alicia Nino De Palma has leukemia and needs a bone morrow transplant to survive.  None of her family members in the U.S. are a match, but her sister in Mexico is a compatible match for the life-saving bone marrow transplant.  The United States has denied the sister’s request for a U.S. Visa.

Ms. DePalma is a U.S. resident and her husband and children are U.S. citizens.  The U.S. Embassy in Mexico states that the sister does not have compelling reasons to return to Mexico and they are concerned that she might stay in the United States.

Let me state the obvious:  10s of thousands of illegal border-crossers are streaming into the United States across our OPEN U.S. Southern border.  On one hand, our U.S. Government allows this, supports this, and provides benefits to these illegal border-crossers.  On the other hand, our U.S. Government denies a visa to a life-saving bone marrow transplant because of a fear that only ONE person may not depart the U.S. at the end of the visa period.  OH, and please note that the Atlanta hospital has provided a letter documenting the medical necessity of the transplant.

Our immigration system is broken – period.  The people administering portions of our immigration system (including visas), in this case the U.S. Embassy, are mindless slaves to a system without regard to human need or the real-world situation.  Where is the balance?  Where is the humanity? Where is the leadership?

I am truly distressed over such mindless administration.  Again, another example of those who comply with the law and take the proper legal steps are punished, while those who ignore the law (illegal border-crossers) receive the blessing and benefits provided by our U.S. Government.

Marko Responds to Alan Grayson Article

DATE: 16 September 2014

Recently, I read an article by Mr. Alan Grayson, D-FL (incumbent Congressman in Florida District 9) and wanted to comment on it. This seemed reasonable since I am a candidate for this position and will face him in the polls on November 4, 2014; and if afforded “equal time”, then my response seems appropriate.  However, so far I have been ignored by the major news papers.  They have not been interested, apparently since I am an Independent.  As such, I am mostly invisible, a Mr. NObody, from NOwhere, with NOmoney running for Congress, not as a politician, but as a Citizen Warrior.  My voice remains silenced and ignored, compared to the Incumbent.  How can I equally compete against such judgmental, prejudicial, and biased mentality – Ah Ha!  I will post my response on this Blog.

My name is Marko Milakovich.  I am retired military, a Vietnam Veteran, an electrical engineer, a small business owner, a regular worker in many jobs, and I have a fire in my belly to ACT and do something about the perils our country faces.  We are in BIG TROUBLE and we keep sending the same type of person to Congress and therefore we can expect the same results (or no results).  Whatever happened to vetting candidates based on skill, knowledge and experience?

The following is my response to the comments made by Representative Alan Grayson concerning Iraq, which appeared in USA Today August 10, 2014.

It is a never-ending cycle of ill-qualified politicians, most often with little experience or historical knowledge, to keep repeating the same, age-old mistakes on international policies and strategies.  This is particularly frightening when our military, an instrument of our national policy, responds with honor and commitment and many of our warriors sacrifice their lives in the process.  Their sacrifice should not be taken lightly.

When the U.S. departed Iraq and did not keep a meaningful force in place because of the lack of a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), was this an excuse to vacate and leave a large void, which has now been filled by ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State?  Historically, we have always retained a presence after a conflict and in every case, we had a SOFA.  Why didn’t we obtain one in Iraq?  The obvious reason is that our government was not serious and did not want to leave a meaningful residual force.  What are the consequences of this?  Genocide there today, and a highly probable, strategic threat to the very security of our country in the future – more terrorist attacks within our borders.  It is in our national, strategic interest to take action when needed to protect the security of our country.  Historically, we have tended to be slow to prepare for war, but we have been fortunate enough to have quickly responded to the need when it was essential. The threat of ISIS/ISIL today in the Middle East will become the terrorist acts of tomorrow in the United States.  “If the Iraqis won’t defend themselves, then why should we?”, states Mr. Grayson.  The simple answer is, “When it is in our national interest.”  Too often the United States has been quick to pursue activities in another country for political reasons.  This is shameful, because it typically means forsaking our values for political reasons and typically imposing our viewpoints upon another country and their culture.  I firmly believe that our American values are a statement of our essence to the world and should reflect the bedrock principles conveyed in the United States Constitution.  In this specific case, based on the information available, there is no question in my mind, as well as in the judgment of recognized experts, that the United States has an urgent, strategic interest in opposing ISIS/ISIL and that it is better to do it there, now, than within our borders.  I obviously disagree with Mr. Grayson and I pose the question on competency of subject matter without regard to political titles.

On the other hand, I do agree with Mr. Grayson that we should not be the world’s guardian to become involved in every crisis in the world.  However, we must be consistent in the implementation of actions regarding our values and national interest.  Of necessity, this is often a judgment call because the world does not present us with clear black and white situations. This is the domain of national leadership – for better or worse.

“Ain’t gonna study war no more. Gonna lay down my sword and shield. Down by the riverside.”  Mr. Grayson, this quote you cite truly frightens me.  It only takes “one” to start a fight/war; it is not a mutually agreed upon event.  Conversely, it takes two serious parities to negotiate a peace.  History is replete of many examples, from Pearl Harbor to the present day Israeli-Hamas fighting, which were initiated by “one”.  If we had laid down our arms in the name of peace, we would all be speaking Japanese today.

We were not mentally aware of the threat when the horrendous act of “911” happened.  I personally encountered an International Terrorist five months prior to “911” and when I called to report it, I was not believed.  Now there is an open border to the United States with an untold number of “foreign operatives” able to easily enter our country.  Are we mentally prepared for the predictable outcome?  Will we later look back in retrospect and bemoan our inaction and blindness?  Should we “lay down our sword and shield”?  I for one, will reinforce my shield and sharpen my sword and stand ready should my country need me – and I hope it is before, and not after.
